Filtering data from entity in call

 If you want to fetch or view data from a data entity you might want to filter it to limit your results. This can be done by applying the filter functionality.

If you want to fetch all data in an entity you add data/[Entity name] in your environment URL. For example

Add filter to URL

If that entity returns data irrelevant to you, you can filter it by adding filter keyword and column names and values to your URL. Under is an example where I only want one specific order. The column for order is named OrderNumber and the order number I want to retrieve data from is 100051.

Readable version:$filter=OrderNumber eq '100051'

Parsed to Web URL:$filter=OrderNumber%20eq%20%27100051%27

If you have more values to filter on you add them with the and syntax.

Readable version:$filter=OrderNumber eq '100051' and dataAreaId eq 'fn02'

Parsed to Web URL:$filter=OrderNumber%20eq%20%27100051%27and%20dataAreaId%20eq%20%27fn02%27

This returns only one order


OperatorMeaningDescriptionFilter expression examples
eqEqualsReturns a record if the value exactly matches the specified value.displayName eq 'MyPortfolio'
isDerived eq True
neqNot equalsReturns a record if the value does not match the specified value.displayName neq 'MyPortfolio'
isDerived neq True
gtGreater thanReturns a record if the value is greater than the specified value.created gt 2019-01-15T10:00:00
unit gt 10
gteGreater than or equal toReturns a record if the value is greater than or equal to the specified value.created gte 2019-01-01
unit gte 10
ltLess thanReturns a record if the value is less than the specified value.created lt 2019-01-01
unit lt 10
lteLess than or equal toReturns a record if the value is less than or equal to the specified value.created lte 2019-01-01
unit lte 10
startswith Returns a record if the value starts with the specified value.displayName startswith ‘MyPo’
in Returns a record if the value matches any of the specified values.displayName in 'MyPortfolio', 'MyOtherPortfolio'
not in Returns a record if the value is not in any of the specified values.displayName not in 'MyPortfolio', 'MyOtherPortfolio'
ctContains tokenReturns a record if the string value contains the specified token (that is, word). 

For example, if an instrument has the name 'British Airways':

  • name ct 'airways' returns it
  • name ct 'air' does not return it
  • name ctsw 'air' returns it
  • name ctsw 'rway' does not return it
ctswContains token starting withReturns a record if the string value contains a word starting with the specified token. 
exists Returns a record if the value is[Portfolio/myscope/mycode] exists
not exists Returns a record if the value is not[Portfolio/myscope/mycode] not exists
andLogical AND operatorConnects two or more filter expressions and returns a record if all resolve to true.isDerived eq True and created lt 2017-03-15
orLogical OR operatorConnects two or more filter expressions and returns a record if one resolves to true.isDerived eq True or displayName eq 'MyPortfolio'
  Note you can combine the and and or operators; and is evaluated before or following standard Boolean operator precedence. If you want to change the precedence, use parentheses. So the order of evaluation is: parentheses, andor.displayName eq 'MyPortfolio' or (isDerived eq True and created lt 2017-03-15)
any If used with a filter expression, returns a record if any of the values in a set match. If used without, returns a record if there are any values. For use with multi-value properties and relationships[Portfolio/myscope/mycode] any (~ eq 'Growth')
properties[Portfolio/myscope/mycode] any
all Returns a record if all of the values in a set match a filter expression. For use with multi-value properties and relationships[Portfolio/myscope/mycode] all (~ eq 'Growth')
none Returns a record if there are no values in a set. For use with multi-value properties and relationships[Portfolio/myscope/mycode] none


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