List all product in assortment for a store

A customer wanted a functionality that needed the listing of all products in a stores assortment. The assortment for a store can be viewed in the online stores form.

To list these is quite cumbersome and involves quite a few tables. I got this query by debugging the init method of the called query. Rewrote it from standard MS SQL syntax to X++ select statement. The statement lists the same products as viewed in the View assortment  products button.

private void onlineStoreProductListByOperatingUnitId(RefRecId _omOperatingUnit)
    EcoResProduct ecoResProduct;
    EcoResProductMaster ecoResProductMaster;
    EcoResProductDimensionGroupProduct ecoResProductDimensionGroupProduct;
    EcoResProductDimensionGroup ecoResProductDimensionGroup;
    EcoResProductTranslation ecoResProductTranslation;
    InventTable inventTable;
    RetailChannelAssortedProductView retailChannelAssortedProductView;

    while select RecID, DisplayProductNumber,InstanceRelationType
        from ecoResProduct
        ORDER BY EcoResProduct.DisplayProductNumber ASC
        WHERE ((ecoResProduct.InstanceRelationType == 10812 || ecoResProduct.InstanceRelationType == 13678))
    OUTER JOIN ProductDimensionGroup
        FROM EcoResProductDimensionGroupProduct
        where EcoResProductMaster.RecId == EcoResProductDimensionGroupProduct.Product
        FROM EcoResProductDimensionGroup
        where EcoResProductDimensionGroupProduct.ProductDimensionGroup == EcoResProductDimensionGroup.RecId
        OUTER JOIN Name
            FROM ecoResProductTranslation
            Where ecoResProduct.RecId == ecoResProductTranslation.Product
            && ecoResProductTranslation.LanguageId == 'en-us'
            JOIN ItemId
                from inventTable
                where ecoResProduct.RecId == inventTable.Product
                EXISTS JOIN retailChannelAssortedProductView
                    WHERE inventTable.Product == retailChannelAssortedProductView.ProductID
                    && inventTable.dataAreaId == retailChannelAssortedProductView.InventLocationDataAreaId
                    && retailChannelAssortedProductView.OMOperatingUnitId == _omOperatingUnit
        //Product number, Product Name, Currency, Price, Price Adjustment, Discount, Active Price, Calculated discount
        Info(strFmt('%1 - %2 - %3', retailChannelAssortedProductView.ProductID, InventTable.ItemId, InventTable.itemDescriptionOrName()));


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