Open in Excel with filter
I've found that the open in Excel functionality was lacking in certain aspects. Technically for forms not implementing the office add-in excel interface they retrieve data with only possible filters being company filter and current record filter. A customer of ours wanted to open Project item requirements already filtered with lookup on specific columns. As it is not possible to implement interfaces on form extensions, so another solution was needed. Requirements: - Open in excel data pre-filtered on project id Pros: - Programmatically control filters and columns Cons: - Does not use Office templates In this example I will be using the entity ProjSalesItemRequirementEntity . Prepare your entity It is basic out of the box without anything in the AutoReport field group. First task is to add all key filds and wanted columns. The key fields enables you to publish back to D365, without them you cannot publish. The key fields are DataAreaId and Projec...